The term was derived from greet word, EPI – among, Demo– People, and Logos – Study. This is to say, it means ‘study among people’. Initially it was only  applied to the study of epidemics mainly of communicable diseases  but was later extended to mean the study of non-communicable diseases, accidents, operations of health etc. it utilizes approaches used in other sciences such as microbiology, statistics, parasitology, social sciences etc in its analysis of frequency distribution and determination of health and disease in population.
In general, the study aims at,
·     -  Describing the distribution and magnitude of health and disease problems in human population.
·      -  Identifying etiological factor in the pathogenesis of a disease.
·       - Providing the data essential the planning, implementation and evaluation of services for the prevention, control and treatment of disease and to the setting up of priorities among these services.

Epidemiological approach differs from clinical medicine in that it deals with disease distribution in populations, communities and groups whereas clinical medicine deals with the features of the disease in yhe individual.

It examines the frequency and distribution of disease against the background of various circumstances in man’s total environments, weather physical, social or biological with the aim of establishing a relationship between disease conditions and man’s interaction with his environment, this approach is what is referred to as ecological approach.

Thus, it is the study of the distribution and determination of health related state or events in specific population and the application of these studies in the control of health problems, it can also be defined as the study of the distribution, determination and deterrents of diseases and other health related events in human population and the use of such studies in the control of health problems, going by these definition, epidemiology is therefore concerned with,
Distribution of disease and health related events in human population: it aims at identifying the patterns of disease distribution I the community in terms of person( Gender, age, race, country and geographical locations, rural, urban) and time (season, year, duration) ,and the epidemiologist seek answers  to questions such as who, when and where?. The above factors put together could lead to the formulation of hypothesis.
    Deterrents of a disease:- These are the underlying causal or risk factors influencing, driving or contributing to the development of the disease or health condition.

Etiological hypothesis are tested to establish these determinants which could be physical, biological or social.
Deterrents of disease

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