What is Mycorrhiza?
Mycorrhiza means (Fungus root), is a mutualistic association of vascular plant root and Fungi, and are central to the process of nutrient capture and recycling for higher plants in low nutrients soil. They are important in the acquisition of scare nutrients by the plant.

Network of Fungi hyphae radiate outward into the soil from Mycorrhiza root, and with the aid of an array of enzymes, soil bound nutrients are taken up.

The network access soil nutrients far more than plant roots alone. The Fungi acts as an extension of root system resulting in improved nutrient uptake for the plant.

They are of great importance in natural ecosystem and agriculture. Plants generally grow poorly when deprived of their special root (Mycorrhiza). The Fungus either forms a sheath around the root or penetrates the root tissues, thereby greatly increasing the surface area of the root through outward extension of hypae.

                       TYPES OF MYCORRHIZA
There are two types,
Ectomycorrhiza:- in this type, the fungus form a sheath  around the fine root of plants, including major forest trees, the fungi does not penetrate between the cells.  Most fungi that form Mycorrhiza produce large fruit bodies. SEE DIAGRAMS.
Endomycorrhiza:-  This does not form sheath but the hypae do penetrate the inside of the hypae of plant root cells. There are fewer species of endomycorhiza and they do not produce large fruit bodies.

                         FUNCTIONS OF MYCORRHIZA
     a- It hypae binds soil particles which contributes to soil structure and the formation of lichens.  

    b-This network of root buffers plants against environmental stress such as disease e.g, protecting plant against pathogen by increasing host vigor and by acting as a barrier to root pathogens.  It enhance proficient absorption of mineral especially phosphate.

    c- It secretes acids that increases the solubility of minerals and convert them to forms that are readily used by plant. 

      d- It absorbs water for the plant.

   e- Mycorrhiza are common adaptation of plants growing in poor soil.

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