Mr Osarolo Bimo Mbie and wife on their wedding day
Premarital sex simply means having intercourse before marriage or with someone whom one is not married to. In a more elaborate form, it is the mating of two people before the union of tying of knot of a matrimonial home, the prefix “pre” donates something that happened before the existence of something and has it origin from Latin. 

According to research, boys are less attracted to girls they have slept with.

Divine has been seeing Kareem for about three months and she feel like her life belongs to him; she can barely spend a day without calling or sending him text messages or chatting with him for long hours on social media.

In the past three months, they kept each other’s company,  both held hands, hugged and kissed, but now Kareem wants more than these, his girl don’t want to go further, but she don’t want to lose her boyfriend either.

According to Divine’s story, no one makes her feel so special, so beautiful and so full of herself, what must she do? Let us fine out as we continue reading.

From Christian per perspective, sex is a gift from God for the married only, the Bible sees prenuptial intercourse as an abuse of the body which is God’s temple and as such, it’s regarded as one of the worse sins, every other sin is said to be outside the body (1Corinthians 6:18).  Although, Medical biology tells us otherwise, we need to obey God’s word.

Consequences of premarital sex
 In the Bible we are being told that those who try to persuade us into  sex before marriage is only looking for their own gain, (1 Corinthians 13: 4 and 5), it went further to state that God want us to abstain from what it described as fornication (1Thessalonias 4:3) so that when we finally marries we will not experience some of the consequences of breaking the rules such as distress, regret, ill feelings and insecurities that are often some of the aftermath of canal relationship.

1.   Regret: most youths, especially girls who have engaged in premarital sex say they regretted it.

2.    Distress: many youths become uncomfortable with themselves after sex, they begin to wonder what they did and why they did it, some others experience sleepless night couple with the feelings of guilt and inferiority complex. 

Sex before marriage degrades and demeans our self esteem, it can sometime lead to humiliation and mockery usually from the male partner, other times it can lead to heartbreak which eventually lead to pain, resentment, animosity, bitterness and enmity, between both partners  or families of both. Also between the lovers, there is a block chain situation that is fragile.

How to deal with the pressure to have premarital sex 
  • If someone tries to pursue you into premarital sex by saying if you love   me, you will allow me to sleep with you, don’t ever listen, simply reply the person, “if you love me you will not ask.

  • Try to inform your partner that the relationship will not involve your body until marriage, if he disagree then there is no need to have anything to do with him. 
  • Avoid being alone with your partner for two long. 

Some Facebook users where ask if they can marry a girl who refuse to let them have her, their answers were hilarious, one user Alberto said, “not at all, I can never try such thing, I must know the in and out of her”.

Another user Pat, said he tried it but he was disappointed, “Yes, have done that before, she ate my money and married someone else”, he said.

Yet another user said, sex was better in marriage and that it’s against the will of God when done outside wedding, Joe added that it was safer in matrimony, health wise and strengthens the relationship between couple by ways of communication which build a formidable union. 

Emmanuel’s was rather stunning in his reply, he said “yes offcourse, I may love her but will not be happy”. 

Henry in his response said, he would, but that the girl should not show any remorse when he go out to satisfy his sexual need, “As for me yes, I will love her but she should not get mad when I go out to satisfy my sexual need with another woman”, he said.

Essene’s answer was rather terse, “Only if she is a virgin”, he said.

One other user Gilbert gave a very funny answer, “sex is for married couple, if she is a virgin, no problem, but if she is not, there is water under the oil” he said.

Dear girls, let us show the strength of character by saying no to premarital sex, let us honor God with our bodies which are his temple, Let us zip up.

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