Acne on the face

Acne is one of those infections that have plague many people right from childhood, many young people have lost their self confidence as a result. Usually, a lot of money is spent  in a bid to eliminate pimple and get back ones freckles face.

Acne, is not only limited to face, it dose occur on the chest, ears, and back, the condition has made many young girls very timid.  
Benzinol period lotion(BP10%), Astringent formula, Black opal soap, native soap, Lime and potash, solution of salt in warm water, Facial scrubs, tomato paste, honey, backing soda, oat meal, Lipton tea bags, to mention but a few, are among the option many people with sever attack opts for.
Acne on the back
Acne on thechest
However, a recent guest post on have  suggest some rare remedies  that are worth trying.
Here are 5 simple ways to get rid of acne over night, according to the multi niche blog,

1. Vitamin E
 Break open a capsule of vitamin E and rub it on your pimple. Leave it for 10 minutes or overnight, but the vitamin will keep the area moisturized while decreasing any redness and irritation. Also, it will unclog pores and prevent breakouts if you use it regularly. You can also take vitamin as a supplement but rub it in for the best results. If your skin gets irritated, stop it immediately.

2. Use an extraction

Popping your pimples is very bad but popping might be the only way to get the swelling to go down. If you want to pop a pimple, make sure you use an extraction tool and be very careful.

3. Treat it

Find an acne spot treatment that is best for your skin, this will also make your pimple disappear.

4. Place some ice on it

Ice helps you reduce redness and inflammation. Wrap an ice cube in a piece of fabric and hold it against your pimple. Place the ice for about 10 minutes.

5. Use vinegar

Mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part eater before going to bed. Dip a cotton ball in your mixture then apply it on your pimple and put a band-aid over it. This will make it look smaller.

If you have acne (pimples) yet, then you're lucky and you'd want to know how To Prevent Acne (Pimples).

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