Bacteremia is an inversion of the blood stream by bacteria. It occur when microorganisms enters circulating blood through wound or infection or surgical procedure or injection.

This infection of the blood is asymptomatic and it’s resolved without treatment. In some occasion fever and other types of infections are observed, and other times it manifest as sepsis shook which life threatening. 

Septicemia is a systemic disease caused by multiplication of bacteria in circulating blood; it is also known as blood poising and often causes severe disease.

This disease of the blood is a serious life threatening infections that deteriorate very fast.

The condition could be caused by infection in the lung, abdomen and urinary tract and sometimes occur together with oestiomyletis and meningitis. Chill fever and prostrations are some of the symptoms observed.

Bacteremia is usually a transient presence of bacteria in the blood and maybe persistence or recurrent as a result of infection, while septicemia is the inversion of the blood stream by virulent microorganism.

Oestiomyletis – Inflammation of the bone marrow and the adjacent bone.

Virulent - Ability of an organism to cause disease.

Sepsis – Presence of puss forming organism, their toxin or other pathogenic organism in the blood or tissue.

Prostration – Loss of strength.

Meningitis – Inflammation of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

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