Let it be noted that It was the need to look beyond the immediate present and to think of the future leadership of the country that necessitated the mobilisation of certain categories of our youths through the National YouthThe National Youth Service Corps - A Worthy Scheme! Service Corps Scheme. This was done with a view to giving them the proper guidance and orientation relevant to the needs of the country. The National Youth Setvice Corps Decree No. 24 which has now been repealed and replaced by Decree 51 of 16th June 1993, was then formally promulgated.
The purpose of the scheme is primarily to inculcate in Nigerian Youths the spirit of selfless service to the community, and to emphasize the spirit of oneness and brotherhood of all Nigerians, irrespective of cultural or social background. The history of our country since independence has clearly indicated the need for unity amongst all our people, and demonstrated the fact that no cultural or geographical entity can exist in isolation.
About the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)
All You Need to Know About NYSC
*Objectives Of The Scheme*
The objectives of the National Youth Service Corps Scheme are clearly spelt out in Decree No.51 of 16th June 1993 as follows;
*To inculcate discipline in Nigerian youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry at work, and of patriotic and loyal service to Nigeria in any situation they may find themselves.
*To raise the moral tone of the Nigerian youths by giving them the opportunity to learn about higher ideals of national achievement, social and cultural improvement.
*To develop in the Nigerian youths the attitudes of mind, acquired through shared experience and suitable training. which will make them more amenable to mobilisation in the national interest
To enable Nigerian youths acquire the spirit of self reliance by encouraging them to develop skills for self employment.
*To contribute to the accelerated growth of the national economy
To develop common ties among the Nigerian youths and promote national unity and integration.
*To remove prejudices, eliminate ignorance and confirm at first hand the many similarities among Nigerians of all ethnic groups.
*To develop a sense of corporate existence and common destiny of the people of Nigeria.
The equitable distribution of members of the service corps and the effective utilisation of their skills in area of national needs
*That as far as possible, youths are assigned to jobs in States other than their States of origin;
*That such group of youths assigned to work together is as representative of Nigeria as far as possible;
*That the Nigerian youths are exposed to the modes of living of the people in different parts of Nigeria;
*That the Nigerian youths are encouraged to eschew religious intolerance by accommodating religious differences;
*That members of the service corps are encouraged to seek at the end of their one year national service, career employment all over Nigeria, thus promoting the free movement of labour;
*That employers are induced partly through their experience with members of the service corps to employ more readily and on a permanent basis, qualified Nigerians, irrespective of their States of origin.
*Vision Statement*
To develop a sound and result oriented organization that is strongly committed to its set objectives particularly those of national unity and even development. An organization that is well motivated and capable of bringing out the best qualities in our youths and imparting in them the right attitude and values for nation-building. An organization that serves as a catalyst to national development, and a source of pride and fulfillment to its participating graduate youths
*Mission Statement*
To build a pragmatic organization that is committed to its set objectives with the ultimate goal of producing future leadership with positive national ethos-Leadership that is vibrant, proud and committed to the unity and even development of the Nigeria State.To be at the fore front of National development efforts, as well as serve as a profitable platform for imparting in our youths values of nationalism, patriotism, loyalty and accountable leadership.To raise the moral tone of our youths by giving them opportunity to learn about high ideals of national achievement, social and cultural improvement.To develop in our youths attitude of mind acquired through shared experience, and suitable training which would make them more amenable to mobilization in the national interest.To ensure Nigerian youths acquire the spirit of self-reliance, a reliable source of economic empowerment and effective participation in nation building.To develop an organization that is alive to its responsibilities and responsive to the needs of the country.
The National Youth Service Corps Year comprises of four (4) main segments in which every Corps Members must satisfactorily participate before he/she is qualified to be issued a certificate of National Service. The service year therefore comprises of:
*Orientation Courses
*Primary Assignment
*Community Development Service
*Winding – Up/Passing –out
A National Youth Service Corps year starts with a 3 weeks orientation course and it is compulsory for all Nigeria graduates mobilised for national service. The course lasts for three (3) weeks and is designed to achieve the following objectives:
To give Corps Members a better understanding of the objectives of the NYSC Scheme and enable them internalise its ideals
To acquaint members with their environment in their political, cultural, social and economic setting.
To prepare Corps members for their particular roles in the Scheme.
To equip them with practical social and leadership skills that will enable them meet the challenges of the service year ahead.
To inculcate in the Corps members the spirit of national consciousness as a basic ingredient in nation building.
To instil discipline in the youths.
To give Corps members adequate physical and mental training.
To imbibe them with the Spirit of collective responsibility.
To achieve the above objectives the orientation course opens with a swearing –in/opening ceremony presided over by the executive Governor of the State/FCT Minister. The oath of Allegiance and the National Pledge are administered by the Chief Judge of the State/FCT.
The orientation course content involves physical training, drills, lectures on the people and tradition of the host State, professional lectures for Corps health personnel’s, lawyers, teachers and Skill acquisition training e.t.c. Corps members participate in social activities designed to create opportunities for them to interact.
They participate in dance and drama competitions, Miss NYSC and Mr Macho.
They also participate in inter platoon competitions on football, volleyball, table tennis, cooking and sanitation.
Corps members are also trained on Man ‘O’ War activities leading to competitions on inter platoon drills and tug of war.
At the end of the orientation, Corps members are posted to their places of primary assignments. While the NYSC Management takes into consideration the areas of specialization of Corps members carrying out the posting exercise, emphasis is placed in rural posting in the areas of Agriculture, Health, Education and Infrastructure.
It is expected that Corps members should accept their posting and be agents of change contributing towards the development of their host communities.
The Community Development Service (CDS) is aimed at harnessing the skills, creativity and innovativeness of Corps members. Corps members are expected to identified the needs of their host communities and mobilise members of their host communities to embark on the projects.
Through this programme, many Corps members were able to construct bridges, health care centres, classroom blocks, market stalls, culverts etc. they had also carried out projects like HIV sensitization, adult literacy campaign, extra-mural classes for students, road safety campaign etc. Corps members participate actively in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) through the War Against Poverty (WAP) programme of the scheme.
At the end of the service year (usually at the 12th month) corps members are gathered in their respective zones for assessment of the service year and de briefing. It is the period when Corps members present their final clearance letters from their employers and submit same to their Zonal/Local Government Inspectors.
Parade rehearsals are conducted in readiness for the passing-out ceremony which is usually presided over by the Executive Governor of the State or his representative. During the ceremony, those with outstanding performances during the service year are given State Honours Awards/Chairman Awards of Excellent Performances in their discharge of their primary community development services. For a Corps member to merit an award, he/she must be outstanding in the orientation courses, primary assignments, community development services and winding –up exercises.
It must be noted that after the passing out parade popularly called P.O.P, respective Corp members are expected to be worthy ambassadors of the NYSC scheme any where they find themselves while discharging their respective services in their chosen areas of services as they are released into the saturated labour market. The NYSC scheme also grilled Corp members to be able to be self employed in the face of unemployment in the labour markets as many trainers on different businesses are deployed to the orientation camps to train prospective Corp members on the need to learn basic ventures that cut across bread bread and cake making, how to sew clothes, soap making, beads making, farming business, exports of cash crops training etc. The NYSC scheme is truly a blessing to the youths of this great country because it encourages oneness in the face of hostility ravaging the country. If the scheme is well imbibed by prospective Corp members it will go a long way to encourage hardworking and productivity among the teeming working population youths of the country.