INFECTION, what it is

Definition of Infection
This is defined as the invasion of the body by an organism that has the potential to cause disease, it occur when a parasite is growing and multiplying within a host. 

The nature of an infection varies with respect to,

·       Severity 

·       Number of organisms involved

·       Location of infection 

Infection with an organism does not necessarily mean disease, since the immune system in most cases will be able to eliminate the invading organism before disease. 

An infectious disease
 Any change from a state of health in which parts or the enire body is not properly adjusted or capable of carrying out its normal function due to the presences of parasite or its products. 

Any parasitic organism that produces disease is called PATHOGEN.
The ability of a pathogen to cause disease is known as PATHOGENICITY.
Sometimes, an infectious organism may enter a latent state in which there is no shedding of the organism and no symptom present within the host. This latency may be either intermittent or quiescent.

Intermittent latency Is exemplified by herp virus that cause cold sore (fever blister). After an initial infection, the symptom subside; however, the virus remain in the nerve tissues and can be activated in weeks or months later by factors such as stress, sunlight and change in immune system. 

Quiescent latency – the organism persists but remain inactive for a long period of time, usually years e.g. vericella Zooster virus causes chicken pox in children and remain after the disease has subside in adults, under certain conditions, the same virus may erupt into a disease called shingles.

Host/parasite relationship depends on
·       Number of organism present in the host.
·       Virulence of the organism.
·       Host defence or degree of resistance.
·       Nature of inoculums.

The greater the number of parasites presents in a host, the greater the livelihood of the diseases. However, a few organisms can cause disease if they are extremely virulent or if the host resistance is weak. A host resistance can drop so low that its own microbiota may cause disease, such a disease is called ENDOGENOUS DISEASE because the organism usually come from the hosts own body e.g. Actinocycosis caused by actinomyces is really part of the normal flora of the mouth.

Endogenous infections are infections already present in the body.

Virulence - is the degree of pathogenicity and is determined by three characteristics, 

·                     Invasiveness

·                    Infertility

·               Pathogenic potential

Invasiveness – This is the ability of a pathogenic organism to spread to other tissues. 

Infectility – This is the ability d the organism to establish a focal point of infection.

Pathogenic potential – This is known as the degree to which the organism causes morbid symptoms.

The function of the immune system is self discriminating, and it is important in defending the body against infectious organisms or eliminating modified or altered cells. This takes place when.

·                   The number of infectious organism is high

·                  When the immune system is compromised

·                Virulence of the organism is high

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