Dementia is a progressive deterioration of cognitive function, the ability to process thought (Intelligent).
The term comes from the Latin word de, which means ‘apart’, and mens, from the genitive ‘mentis’, meaning mind.

This disease of the brain is progressive in the sense that symptoms gradually become worse.

Cause of dementia

Dementia is caused by injury or brain disease, and is marked by memory disorder, personality change and impaired reasoning. It is more common among elderly people, but affects adults of all age.

Disease that cause dementia

a – Alzheimer Disease: This is the most common cause of dementia, the chemistry and function of the brain of a patient changes and the brain cell dies prematurely.

b – Stroke(Vascular disease): The occurs as a result of impaired cerebral circulation, the brain need good supply of oxygen rich blood, if supply is cut off or is undermined in any way, the brain cell dies and the blood vessels vein and arteries weakens causing vascular disease.

Symptoms may appear all of a sudden or gradually, a major stroke will produce symptoms once, while a series of mini stroke will not.

C – Dementia with (Lewy bodies): In this condition, spherical bodies develop inside nerve cells in the brain and become part of our nervous system; these objects then cause damage to nervous tissues, this condition leads to memory and speech impairment.

Dementia with Lewy is sometime mistaken for Parkinson’s disease because both has similar symptom.

D – Fronto temporal dementia: This include Pick’s disease, it damage he front part of the brain, the patients Behavior and personality are affected and later his memory.

Other diseases associated with dementia are,

-         Motor neuron disease

-         Multiple sclerosis

-         Jacobs disease

-         Huntington’s disease

-         Aids, etc.

Symptoms of dementia
 Symptom of this mental condition include
-         asking the same question repeatedly

-         becoming loss in familiar places

-         inability to follow direction

-         getting disoriented about people

-         negligence of personal safety , hygiene and nutrition

In the later stage, dementia patient become unaware of time, date, week and month.

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