Scientist has honored President Barack  Obama By naming a parasite after  him.

The parasite, Baracktrema obamai, was  discovered by Dr. Thomas R. Platt. As a final achievement before retiring as a professor at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, Platt decided he would be the one to name his discovery.

 Platt, choose to name the  parasite Baracktrema obamai after the 44th president as an honor, and claimed to be a distant relative of the former community organizer.
Baracktrema obamai, also is a distant relative to the flatworm, a species that spreads disease in third world countries.

 Baracktrema Obamai is a turtle parasite and  has only been discovered within several species of turtles, but researchers are unaware of how the parasite fines it way to its host.

Baracktrema obamai infects the lung arterioles of the turtles, where clusters of tens to hundreds of eggs infected lung alveoli.
Platt said the parasite

“…Face incredible obstacles to complete their journey (life cycle) and must contend with the immune system of the host in order to mature and reproduce.”

The  same way that Barack Obama’s radical agenda has been having to contend with the immune system (the Constitution of the United States) in order to spread.

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