There are many different Definitions of health, some of these diverse definitions of health includes the followings,

 Some people sees health as

1. Health is having a strong body, free of disease.

2. Health is a creative mind.

3. Health is a happy and fulfilled life.
However, World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being.

2017 World Health day focuses on helping people with depression get help and teaching other what it means to be depressed.

Depression can be strenuous, it can weaken ones ability to carry out even the earliest task. The deadest form of depression can lead to suicide. However, it is worth knowing  that the ailment is preventable and can be treated.

Treatment, are not expensive or hazardous, it simply involves talking to the patient, and finding out a method to help him/her managing the condition.

Mental health has strong implications for physical health, and vice versa. There are some easy things you can do to  help you manage your mental health.

Be physically active
Try walking for 30 minutes daily, it improves your creativity and productivity. It drives cognitive function and helps promote the activity of several mood-related hormones.

It speeds up metabolism., so take a work or simply try dancing.
Healthy diet 
It supplies the body with the needed nutrients to combat diseases. Some mental health issues can be worsen by nutrient deficiencies. Start your day off right with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins for a positive mindset.
Take a moment for yourself
Take  some time of your busy schedule and get some rest. Try relax with a cup of tea for some few minutes. or meditate, or just bask in the sun or put an old library in other. attempt something you have never  done. Explore your talents.

Do just one thing today to care for yourself. Then, do it again tomorrow!

Sometimes we need to consult an expert to manage our mental health.

If you feel you cannot reach out to a trained therapist, then start by talking to a friend. Depression can be treated, and it starts with that small first step.

Buffalo News