Sometime, it’s common for women who are not pregnant to miss
their period for up to three consecutive months, this could be due to medical
conditions such as Ovarian Cyst (benign tumor) or hormonal in balances.
By definition, it is the absence of the period in a woman of
reproductive age and it occur when a woman misses two or more period in a row.
Types of Amenorrhea
This medical condition could be primary or secondary.
Primary Amenorrhea:
This is the failure of the period to start by the age of (16), and many things
could be responsible for this condition, among these are,
a. Agenesis of the uterus,
b. Inability of
the ovary to receive and nature eggs.
c. Delay
d. Hymen perforation
e. Turner Syndrome
Primary amenorrhea is divided into two depending on the time of manifestation,
1. failure of the menses to start by the age of 14 with no secondary sexual characters.
2. absence of menses by age 16 with secondary characters.
Secondary Amenorrhea: This is the temporary or permanent
cessation of the period in a woman who has menstruated normally in the past. Among the chief causes of this condition a
b.Beast feeding (Lactation)
d. psychological disorder
e. congenital
is yet another type, this is the Contraceptive
pill Amenorrhea, which occur as a result of discontinuation of Contraceptive pill.
when a woman takes contraceptive pill for a long time and finally stop, her
menstrual cycle either stops or become irregular.